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Tervetuloa uudistettuun @sight –verkkojulkaisuun. Käynnissä olevana lukuvuotena julkaisuista vastaa liiketalouden alan johtamisen ja viestinnän toisen vuoden opiskelijaryhmä. Tänä vuonna @sight esittelee koulun tärkeimpiä projekteja ja tapahtumia.

Toivotamme Sinulle viihtyisiä lukuhetkiä!

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the reformed @sight -internet release. During this semester the publication is made by second year Management and communications student group from Faculty of Business Studies. This year @sight presents for you school’s most important projects and events.

We wish you pleasant moments with us!

keskiviikko 4. kesäkuuta 2014

Internationality - Strength in today's businessworld

In today’s business world, international experience is highly valued. Lahti University of Applied Sciences gives its students a great chance to gain international study experience. Internationalization has always added value to university studies but nowadays it’s even more important to gain intercultural competence. Companies appreciate it and are willing to help students to get it. Because internationalization is so important these days, we decided to choose it as the theme for this spring’s @Sight.

Lahti University of Applied Sciences is an international community. The University receives foreign students, who come to study here, and sends Finnish students abroad. For example, the University encourages students to get international experience by offering a chance to spend a semester studying at a partner university. Students can also complete their practical training abroad or take part in an international week either abroad or in Finland, in which case students from different countries are invited here. It should also be noted that the international week usually includes collaboration with local companies, so they also benefit from the University's international activities.

This spring issue of @Sight presents articles from students who study management and communications, and marketing, and one article from a foreign degree student. Naturally, we asked the students to write their articles in English in order to promote Lahti, its companies and the University as an international community.

The @Sight articles discuss how students can gain international experience and how they might benefit from this. There are also some interesting points for companies that might want to have more collaboration with the University. Finally, as the articles reveal, internationalization provides many benefits both for students and companies.

We hope you enjoy reading this international issue of @Sight. Happy and sunny times!

Editors Tella Krigsman and Pauliina Huovila

Editorial Assistant Arla Kirjonen

Executive Editor Jaana Loipponen

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